ICEPICK@HATE Strip uploaded Friday, November 21, 2003
The joys of the internet.
Fri, 21st Nov 2003, at 22:21 EST Posted by WolfLord
I'm sure this strip makes no sense at first glance. Possibly not at second either. It's based on true events, except for the part where Icepick shoots someone in the head. That's not me, by the way, that's a n00b. His head says "n00b", see? Anyway, if Ice feels like it, I'm sure he'll elaborate on it later. Just know that email allows scary people to contact you whenever they want.
True Story
Sat, 22nd Nov 2003, at 09:04 EST Posted by Icepick
The text filling most of the background in this strip is actually an email I got from someone on AOL, detailing a mod they had made and wanted me to put on one of my sites. The email, in tradition AOLer style, was completely illegible. There wasn't a single piece of punctuation in the entire thing, and it took me at least 5 minutes to work out what he was actually trying to say. Things like this are the exact reason AOL have their own chatrooms. This is also the reason why AOLer's should only be allowed to use those chatrooms, and be banned from any other form of internet communication.
Incidently, I never replied to the mail, nor did I put the guy's mod on my site.
Really 1337 Comic Thing.
Created by Icepick